28 December 2016


Pemuda adalah individu yang bila dilihat secara fisik sedang mengalami perkembangan dan secara psikis sedang mengalami perkembangan emosional, sehingga pemuda merupakan sumber daya manusia pembangunan baik saat ini maupun masa datang.

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Dalam kehidupannya seorang pemuda dituntut dapat bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat lainnya. Proses sosialisasi pemuda didefinisikan proses yang membantu individu melalui belajar dan penyesuaian diri. Proses sosialisasi sebenarnya berawal dari dalam keluarga. Melalui proses sosialisasi, individu (pemuda) akan terwarna cara berpikir dan kebiasaan-kebiasaan hidupnya dengan proses sosialisasi, individu menjadi lebih tahu bagaimana ia mesti bertingkah laku ditengah-tengah masyarakat dan lingkungan budayanya.

Nilai-nilai karakter yang harus dimiliki oleh pemuda, diantaranya :

  1. Religius
  2. Jujur
  3. Toleransi
  4. Disiplin
  5. Kerja Keras
  6. Kreatif
  7. Demokratis
  8. Rasa Ingin Tahu
  9. Semangat Kebangsaan
  10. Cinta Tanah Air
  11. Menghargai Prestasi
  12. Bersahabat/Komunikatif
  13. Cinta Damai
  14. Gemar Membaca
  15. Peduli Lingkungan
  16. Peduli Sosial
  17. Tanggung Jawab

Membangun karakter adalah suatu proses atau usaha yang dilakukan untuk membina, memperbaiki dan membentuk tabiat, watak, sifat kejiwaan, akhlak (budi pekerti), insan manusia (masyarakat) sehingga menunjukkan perangai dan tingkah laku baik.

27 October 2016

Culture of Turkey

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I'd like to discuss and tell you about culture of Turkey. Actually, I choose Turkey is because Turkey has so many attractiveness,  in my opinion. So that's why I really love the culture.

The culture of Turkey combines a diverse and heterogeneous set of elements that have been derived from the various cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean (West Asian) region and to a lesser degree, Southeastern European, Caucasian, and Central Asian traditions. Many of these traditions were initially brought together by Ottoman Empire, a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state.

Turkish culture has undergone profound changes over the last century. Today, Turkey may be the only country that contains every extreme of Eastern and Western culture. The Ottoman system was a multi-ethnic state that enabled people within it not to mix with each other and thereby retain separate ethnic and religious identities within the empire. Upon the fall of the empire after World War I the Turkish republic adapted a unitary approach, which forced all the different cultures within its borders to mix each other with the aim of producing national and cultural identity. This mixing, instead of producing cultural homogenization, instead resulted in many shades of grey as the traditional Muslim cultures of Anatolia collided with the cosmopolitan modernity of Istanbul and the wider West.

Turkey's Language

The official language, Turkish, is the first language spoken by 90% of the 63 million population. Minority languages include Kurdish, spoken by 6% of the population. Arabic is spoken by 1.2% of the Turkish population, most of those speakers are bilingual Arabic and Turkish speakers. Other minority languages include Circassian, spoken by more than 0.09% throughout the country, Greek, Armenian and Judezmo, a Romance language spoken by Jews.

Turkish Most Religion Beliefs

Islam is the religion of the majority of Turks although the state is fiercely secular. Islam emanated from what is today Saudi Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of God's emissaries (following in the footsteps of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc.) to bring revelation of mankind. He was distinguished with bringing a message of the whole of mankind, rather than just to a certain people. As Moses brought the Torah and Jesus brought the Bible, Muhammad brought the last book, the Qur'an. The Qur'an and the actions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) are used as the basis of all guidance in the religion.

Among certain obligations for Muslims are to pray five times a day - at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening. The exact time is listed in the local newspaper or website or mobile app each day. Friday is the Muslim's holy day although this is not practiced in Turkey. However, most males will attend the congregational afternoon prayer or we usually called Friday pray. During the holy month of Ramadhan, all Muslims must fast or shaum in arabic from dawn to dusk. Fasting includes not eating, drinking, cigarette smoking, or gew chewing and everything that God forbids.

Marriage, Family, and Kinship


Turkish expect adults to marry and have children, and the vast majority do. Because men should not lower their wives' standard living, they are not supposed to marry women of a higher economic class. People generally marry within their own religious sect and ethnic group, although inter-ethnic marriages among Sunni Muslims are not uncommon. In traditional Turkish society, the selection of spouses and the marriage ceremony were controlled by kin groups. During the premarital process, the individuals to be married played minor roles. The rituals, especially the imam marriage ceremony, were essential for a morally and socially acceptable marriage.

In 1926, the revolutionary Turkish government abolished Islamic family law and adopted a slightly modified version of the family law in the Swiss civil code. The new Family Law requires and recognizes civil marriage ceremonies only. It requires the consent of mature individuals for a binding marriage contract and prescribes monogamy only. Even though the law prohibits parents from entering into engagement or marital agreements on behalf of their children, arranged marriages without the consent of the brides have been somewhat common. Today, the vast majority of marriages occur with the couple's consent, but families still play a role recommending and screening potential spouses, especially for their daughters.

Even though divorce is not considered an Islamic sin, it occurs infrequently. Divorcees, especially men with children, quickly remarry, usually to divorced women. The new code eliminated a husband's Islamic prerogative of verbal and unilateral divorce and prescribed a court proceeding. The law recognizes only six grounds for divorce, there are adultery, plot against life, grave assaults and insult, crime or a dishonorable life, desertion, mental infirmity, and incompatibility. The evidentiary requirements are so substantial that establishing one of these grounds has proved difficult. A couple cannot divorce by mutual consent.

Domestic Unit, Inheritance, and Kin Groups

Traditionally, most Turkish traced their descent and passed on property, especially homes and land, through the male line. Even though most households have always contained only one nuclear family, the ideal household, especially among the rural and urban wealthy was patrilocal extended, in which a son and his bride lived in his parents' home after marriage. The basic kinship units are the family (aile) and the household (hane). Household members normally eat together and share income and expenses. The next larger unit is the patrilineage (sulale), consisting of relatives connected inter-generationally by a common male ancestor. While patrilineage is important to old, noble Ottoman families and tribal peoples, it is of little significance to most Turkish.

The traditional Turkish household is characterized by male is the head, an authority figure who demands respect and obedience. The mother is also respected, but her relationship with her children is warm and informal.

Interesting Buildings


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The Sultan Ahmed Mosque or Sultan Ahmet Mosque is a historic mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. A popular tourist site, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque continues to function as a mosque today; men still kneel in prayer on the mosque's lush red carpet after the call to prayer. The Blue Mosque, as it is popularly known, was constructed between 1609 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmed I. Magnificent hand-painted blue tiles adorn the mosque's interior walls, and at night the mosque is bathed in blue as lights frame the mosque's five domes, six minarets and eight secondary domes.


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Hagia Sophia was a Greek Orthodox Christian church, later an imperial mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its construction in 537 AD and until 1453, it served as an Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted by the Fourth Crusaders to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire of Constantinople. The building was later converted into an Ottoman mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.

Turkish Cuisine


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Menemen is a traditional turkish dish which includes eggs, tomato, green peppers, and spices such as ground black pepper, ground red pepper, salt and oregano, onion, garlic. It is cooked with olive oil or sunflower oil.


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Kofta is a family of meatball or meatloaf dishes found in South Asian, Middle Eastern, Balkan, and Central Asian cuisine. In the simplest form, koftas consist of balls of minced or ground meat mixed with spices and/or onions. In South Asia and the Middle East, koftas are usually made from lamb, beef, mutton or chicken, whereas Greek, Cypriot, and Balkan versions may use pork, beef, lamb, or mixture of three. In India, vegetarian varieties include koftas made from potato, calabash, paneer, or banana. In Europe, kofta is served as fast food as a type of kebab.


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Baklava is a rich, sweet pastry made of layers of filo filled with chopped nuts and sweetened and held together with syrup or honey. It is also found in Central and West Asia.


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Manti or Mantu are dumplings popular in most Turkish cuisines, as well as in the Caucasian, Central Asian, Chinese Islamic, and Hejaz cuisines. Nowadays, manti are also consumed throughout Russia and other post-Soviet countries, where the dish spread from the Central Asian republics. The dumplings typically consist of a spiced meat mixture, usually lamb or ground beef in a dough wrapper and either boiled or steamed.

Shish Kebab

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Shish kebab is a Turkish dish of skewered and grilled cubes of meat. The term shish kebab has a history of over one hundred years in English. In American English, the word kebab refers to shish kebab, while in British English, kebab may also mean doner kebab or shawarma. In Middle Eastern cuisine however, kebab denotes a wide variety of different grilled meat dishes. 

Turkish Coffee

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Turkish coffee is a method of preparing unfiltered coffee. Roasted and then finely ground coffee beans are simmered (not boiled) in a pot (cezve), optionally with sugar, and served in a cup where the grounds are allowed to settle. At present, it is found in Indonesia, Eastern Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, the Balkans, and Middle East. Turkish coffee is an intangible cultural heritage of turkey confirmed by UNESCO.

01 June 2016

Apa Pentingnya Belajar Kepariwisataan dalam Jurusan Sastra Inggris?

Hello semuanya!

Kali ini aku mau membahas mengenai pentingnya belajar Kepariwisataan dalam jurusan Sastra Inggris. 

Pertama aku akan menjelaskan apa itu Sastra Inggris dan Kepariwisataan?

Kebanyakan dari universitas membagi fakultas ini menjadi beberapa jurusan. Ada jurusan Pendidikan Sastra Inggris dan Sastra Inggris. Untuk Pendidikan Sastra Inggris S1 (strata 1) kalian akan mendapat gelar S.Pd. (Sarjana Pendidikan), namun untuk Sastra Inggris sendiri kalian akan mendapatkan gelar S.S (Sarjana Sastra).

Apa saja yang dipelajari dalam Sastra Inggris? Well, sebenarnya kita belajar banyak sekali mata kuliah di Sastra Inggris ini. Dari mulai Basic English untuk tingkat pertama di universitas. Namun, tak jarang selain kita mempelajari semua mata kuliah English. Kita pun juga mempelajari mata kuliah penunjang lainnya, salah satu nya yaitu Kepariwisataan.

Sastra (Sanskerta: शास्त्र, shastra) merupakan kata serapan dari bahasa Sanskerta śāstra, yang berarti "teks yang mengandung instruksi" atau "pedoman", dari kata dasar śās- yang berarti "instruksi" atau "ajaran". Dalam bahasa Indonesia kata ini biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada "kesusastraan" atau sebuah jenis tulisan yang memiliki arti atau keindahan tertentu.

Yang agak bias adalah pemakaian istilah sastra dan sastrawi. Segmentasi sastra lebih mengacu sesuai defenisinya sebagai sekedar teks. Sedang sastrawi lebih mengarah pada sastra yang kental nuansa puitis atau abstraknya. Istilah sastrawan adalah salah satu contohnya, diartikan sebagai orang yang menggeluti sastrawi, bukan sastra.

Selain itu dalam arti kesusastraan, sastra bisa dibagi menjadi sastra tertulis atau sastra lisan (sastra oral). Di sini sastra tidak banyak berhubungan dengan tulisan, tetapi dengan bahasa yang dijadikan wahana untuk mengekspresikan pengalaman atau pemikiran tertentu.
Biasanya kesusastraan dibagi menurut daerah geografis atau bahasa.

Istilah pariwisata berasal dari bahasa Sansekerta yang terdiri dari suku kata “pari” berarti berkeliling atau bersama, dan suku kata “wisata” berarti perjalanan. Jadi secara pengertiannya pariwisata berarti perjalanan keliling dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain.

Kepariwisataan adalah merupakan kegiatan jasa yang memanfaatkan kekayaan alam dan lingkungan hidup yang khas, seperti : hasil budaya, peninggalan sejarah, pemandangan alam yang indah dan iklim yang nyaman. Perjalanan wisata adalah perjalanan keliling yang memakan waktu lebih dari tiga hari, yang dilakukan sendiri maupun di atur oleh Biro Perjalanan Umum dengan acara meninjau beberapa kota atau tempat baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

Adapun wisatawan menurut definisi International Union of Travel Organization (IUOTO) adalah :
1.      Visitor (pengunjung) : seseorang yang melakukan perjalanan ke suatu Negara yang bukan Negara tempat ia tinggal, karena suatu alasan yang bukan pekerjaannya sehari-hari.

2.      Tourist (wisatawan) : pengunjung yang tinggal sementara di suatu tempat paling sedikit 24 jam di negara yang dikunjungi dengan motivasi perjalanannya adalah :
- Berhibur (bersenang-senang, liburan, kesehatan, studi, alasan keagamaan dan olahraga)
- Berdagang,, kunjungan keluarga, misi dan pertemuan-pertemuan.

3. Excursionist (pelancong) : pengunjung sementara di suatu negara tanpa menginap.

Selain itu apa aja sih manfaat dari kepariwisataan itu sendiri? Mari kita bahas!


Manfaat pariwisata dari segi ekonomi adalah pariwisata menghasilkan devisa yang besar bagi Negara sehingga meningkatkan perekonomian negara.


Manfaat lain yang muncul dari industri pariwisata ini antara lain dapat terlihat pula dari segi budaya. Dengan pesatnya perkembangan industri pariwisata maka akan membawa pemahaman dan pengertian antar budaya melalui interaksi pengunjung wisata (turis) dengan masyarakat lokal tempat daerah wisata tersebut berada. Dari interaksi inilah para wisatawan dapat mengenal dan menghargai budaya masyarakat setempat dan juga memahami latar belakang kebudayaan lokal yang dianut oleh masyarakat tersebut.

Bali merupakan salah satu contoh nyata daerah wisata yang berkembang amat pesat di Indonesia. Banyaknya turis-turis yang berkunjung ke Bali, baik turis domestik maupun internasional telah membawa dampak yang cukup besar bagi perkembangan daerah itu sendiri. Sedangkan dari segi sosial budaya, Bali merupakan sarana yang tepat bagi pengenalan dan promosi kebudayaan Indonesia kepada dunia internasional.

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Pariwisata juga  mendatangkan manfaat bagi lingkungan hidup karena sebuah objek wisata apabila ingin banyak mendapatkan kunjungan dari wisatawan haruslah terjaga kebersihannya sehingga kita menjadi terbiasa untuk merawat dan menjaga lingkungan kita agar selalu terjaga kebersihannya. Pembangunan pariwisata tidak mengakibatkan dampak-dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan penurunan kualitas tanah atau lahan pertaniaan baik lahan perladangan maupun persawahan. Kelestarian hutannya masih tetap terjaga dengan baik. Masyarakat secara bersama-sama dan sepakat untuk melestarikan hutannnya dan tanpa harus ketergantungan terhadap hutan tersebut. Pada dasarnya masyarakat lokal telah sadar terhadap perlunya pelestarian hutan, karena kawasan hutan yang dimaksud merupakan daerah resapan air yang bisa dipergunakan untuk kepentingan hidupnya maupun makhluk hidup yang lainnya serta untuk keperluan persawahan.


Manfaat pariwisata yang  kita dapat dari segi nilai pergaulan adalah kita menjadi lebih banyak mempunyai teman dari berbagai Negara dan kita bisa mengetahui kebiasaan orang yang dari masing-masing Negara tersebut sehingga kita bisa mempelajari bagaimana kebiasaan yang baik di masing-masing nagara.Selain itu kita juga mendapat manfaat ilmu pengetahuan dari pariwisata karena dengan mempelajari pariwisata kita juga bisa tahu dimana letak dan keunggulan sebuah objek wisata sehingga kita bisa mempelajari  mengapa sebuah objek wisata tersebut bisa maju dan bisa menerapkan di daerah objek wisata daerah kita yang belum berkembang dengan baik.


Seperti yang kita ketahui nowadays orang-orang sudah banyak usaha dibidang tour and travel, selain itu yang harus kita ketahui pekerjaan dengan background Sastra Inggris tidak begitu sulit. Tour guide! Yes kebanyakan orang berpikir kalau jurusan Sastra Inggris hanya bisa bekerja sebagai Tour Guide, but why not? Selama pekerjaan itu masih halal dan menghasilkan kan what's the matters? Tapi jaman sekarang menjadi tour guide tidak perlu pintar, tapi keberanian. Well, kalau kalian berani menghadapi para wisatawan mancanegara misalnya dijamin mereka bakalan puas dengan hasil usaha dan kerja keras kalian.

Manfaat pariwisata sangat amat dirasakan khususnya untuk anak-anak jurusan Sastra Inggris. Dengan modal bahasa inggris yang lancar dan mumpuni, kalian tidak hanya bisa menjadi seorang Tour Guide, melainkan kalian mungkin bisa dipromosikan bekerja pada bidang yang sama di luar negeri, dengan pengalaman yang cukup pastinya.

Atau juga bisa dengan modal kalian sering berpariwisata dan berkeliling dunia, kalian bahkan bisa jadi membuka bisnis tour and travel di luar negeri, who knows, right?

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31 May 2016

The Gorgeous Dubai


Dubai is the most beautiful place in this world (that's my opinion)^^ Well, as we know this city is the most expensive city in the world and also in Middle East. It is located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf and is one of the seven emirates that make up the country. Many theories have been proposed as to the origin of the word "Dubai". One theory suggests the word was used to describe the souq, which was similar to the souq in Ba. Another theory states that the name came from a word meaning "money", as people from Dubai were commonly believed to be rich due to the thriving trading center of the location. An Arabic proverb says "Daba Dubai", meaning "they came with a lot of money."

It's a city that some people I know adore just as much as myself. Personally, I've been blinded by the lights of Dubai and have a rosy-attitude towards the place despite the construction work and sweltering heat. You might fall head over heels for Dubai

This is why I love Dubai and you guys should love too :

1. Souk (Market)

    Dubai has 3 souks. There are Gold Souk (Gold Market), Spice Souk (Herbs Market), and Textile Souk (Textile Market). You can visit one by one but trust me, you have to bring a lot of money if you want to go there. Because i'm so sure you will buy of the things that are so great. Well, lets talk about one by one.
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source image : www.lostateminor.com

    The pictures on above are The Gold Souk. Gold Souk is a traditional market in Dubai. The sellers here consist of over 300 retailers that trade exclusively in jewellery. The souk is located in Dubai's commercial district, Deira. 


source image : www.husbandintow.com

source image : http://www.confiscatedtoothpaste.com/

source image : http://www.confiscatedtoothpaste.com/
    So lets continue to another one is Spice Souk. Its also a traditional in Dubai where sells a variety of fragrances and spices from frankincense and shisha to the many herbs used in Arabic and South Asian food. In addition, several household, textiles, incense, rugs, and artifacts are also sold in the Spice Souk. It is located in eastern Dubai, in Deira and is next to the Gold Souk. Spice Souk, situated on Baniyas Street, is in locality of Al Ras. The Souk comprises several narrow lanes which are lined with open and closed-roof stores. 


source image : www.secretearth.com

source image : live-less-ordinary.com

source image : blog.coxandkings.com

    The third is Old Souk or we can also say Textile Souk. Here, you will find a lot of silks, fabrics, shoes, etc. In my opinion, it is also the one with the most beautiful buildings of all Dubai souks. 

2. Burj Al-Arab and Burj Khalifa

    You have no idea how attractive Dubai is. There are 2 most beautiful buildings here in Dubai. As we know Dubai has the tallest building in the world. Let me tell you about the buildings.
The Burj is probably the most iconic building of modern Dubai and on the list of many visitors to Dubai. My guess, however is that unless you have flown in on your private jet, you will not be staying at this 7-star hotel.


1. The Burj Al Arab

Burj Al Arab (image source)

    The Burj Al Arab is a hotel located in Jumeirah Beach Road, Dubai. It is the 3rd tallest hotel in the world, however 39% of its height is made up of non-occupiable space. Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 m (920 ft) from Jumeirah beach and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge. The shape of the structure is designed to mimic the sail of a ship. It has helipad near the roof at a height of 210 m (689 ft) above ground. The beachfront area where Burj Al Arab and Jumeirah Beach Hotel are located was previously called Chicago Beach. 

The Most Expensive Room

Burj Al Arab holds only 28 double-story floors which accommodate 202 bedroom suites. The Royal Suite, billed at US$24.000 per night. The price of the room made Royal Suite as the most expensive room in this hotel. Lets look inside the $24.000 room.

The Royal Suite (image source)

The Royal Suite has very large and very fancy dining room and the most magnificent bathroom.

The Bathroom (image source)

The Dining Room (image source)

It has also very luxury lounge and private library.

The Lounge (image source)

The Private Library (image source)

The Restaurant

Inside The Burj Al Arab there are 2 restaurants. 

First is Al Muntaha restaurant. It is served European cuisine. It is located on 27th floor inside Burj Al Arab. You can see the ambience is very very cozy. You can see the skyview from the top.

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Second is Al Mahara restaurant. Al Mahara which is accessed via a simulated submarine voyage, features a large seawater aquarium. It is served all variants seafood. While you eat, you can also see the view of seawater aquarium. 

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2. Burj Khalifa 

Burj Khalifa

    Burj Khalifa, known as Burj Dubai before its inauguration, is a megatall skyscraper in Dubai. It is the tallest structure in the world, standing at 829.8 m (2,722 ft). It is located in 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai. The construction started in 6 January 2004 and finished in 31 December 2009 and officially opened in 4 January 2010. 

3. Dubai Miracle Garden

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The Dubai Miracle Garden is a flower garden located in the district of Dubailand, Dubai. The garden was launched on valentine's day in 2013. The garden spread over 72.000 square meters making it the world's largest natural flower garden featuring over 109 million flowers planted here. Dubai's Miracle Garden recently celebrated the inauguration of the Dubai Butterfly Garden, the world's largest and the region's first indoor butterfly garden and sanctuary for over 15,000 butterflies from 26 species.

4. Palm Islands


      Palm Islands are two artificial islands, Palm Jumeirah and Palm Jebel Ali, on the coast of Dubai. As of November 2014, only Palm Jumeirah has been completed. The island takes the form of a palm tree, topped by a crescent. After settlement, Palm Jebel Ali will take a similar shape, both islands will be host to a large number of residential, leisure and entertainment centers. A third island was planned and construction started, but this project was later remodelled and renamed to Deira Island. 

Palm Deira

The Palm Deira is the largest island of the three Palm Islands (Palm Deira, Palm Jebel Ali, and Palm Jumeirah). It is located on the Deira coastal area of the UAE. The unique man-made palm-shaped island will consist of a trunk, a crown with 41 fronds, and a surrounding crescent island that will form a water-breaker. The Palm Deira was not initially intended to be developed, but in October 2014. the announcement of its development was issued. The Palm Deira will cover, 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) in length and 8.5 kilometers (5.3 miles) in width and have an area of 80 square kilometers (861 million square feet). It will consist of residential property, marinas, shopping malls, sports facilities, and clubs.

Palm Jebel Ali

The Palm Jebel Ali is the middle-sized island of the three Palm Islands (Palm Jumeirah, Palm Jebel Ali, and Palm Deira). It is located on the Jebel Ali coastal area of the emirate of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The unique man-made palm-shaped island will consist of a trunk, a crown with 17 fronds, and a surrounding crescent island that will form a water-breaker. The Palm Jebel Ali is more of an entertainment destination for both adults and children, which caters to both residents and tourists. The island will also 50% larger than the Palm Jumeirah and will include six marinas, a 'Sea Village', a water theme park and water homes built on stills between the fronds and the crescent.

Palm Jumeirah

The Palm Jumeirah is the smallest of the three Palm Islands (Palm Jebel Ali, Palm Jumeirah, and Palm Deira). It is located on the Jumeirah coastal area of the emirate of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The island is built in the shape of a date palm tree and consists of a trunk, a crown with 17 fronds and a surrounding crescent island that will form a water-breaker. The Palm Jumeirah is primarily a retreat and residential area for living, relaxation, and leisure. It will contain themed boutique, hotels, three types of villas (Signature Villas, Garden Homes, and Canal Cove Town Homes), shoreline apartment buildings, beaches, marinas, restaurants, cafes, and a variety of retail outlets. 

5. Ski Dubai

      Ski Dubai is the first indoor ski center in Middle East with 22.500 square meters of indoor ski area. It is a part of the Mall of the Emirates, one of the largest shopping malls in the world, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Ski Dubai is also the world's third largest indoor ski slope. Ski Dubai is offering snowboarding, ski lessons, children's play are, and cafe.

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6. Mall in Dubai

         Dubai Mall

      The Dubai Mall is a shopping mall in Dubai and the largest mall in the world. Located in Downtown U.A.E., Dubai, UAE. It is part of the 20-billion-dollar Downtown complex and includes 1.200 shops. 

        Mall of the Emirates

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        Mall of the Emirates is a shopping mall in Dubai, UAE. It opened in November 2005 and is located at interchange four on Sheikh Zayed road. The multi level shopping mall currently features more than 630 retail outlets, 7900 parking spaces, over 100 restaurants & cafes, 80 luxury stores and 250 flagship stores. It has total gross leasable area of 255.489 square meters. It also hosts family leisure activities including Ski Dubai (the Middle East's first indoor ski resort and snow park), the 500-seat capacity Dubai Community Theatre and Arts Centre and Magic Planet, one of the largest indoor family entertainment centres in Dubai.

7. Al Bastakiya

       Al Bastakiya was constructed back in 1690s. It was consisted of 60 housing units in its prime time and most of them were owned by rich persian merchants. Traditional narrow lanes and wind towers were used to separate houses. However, all of this changed when oil was discovered in the region and most of families moved to new and modern city of Dubai. 

8. Dubai Police Super Car       

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        The Dubai police vehicles are painted with a white and dark green colour scheme, with all blue emergency lights. Every Dubai police vehicle has the force's website and email addresses printed on it. The Dubai police fleet has series of super cars including: a Bugatti Veyron SS, a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, a Ferrari FF, a BMW i8, an Audi R8, a McLaren MP4-12C, a Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4, a Nissan GTR, a limited edition Aston Martin One-77, and a Brabus G 700 which are to be used for patrolling tourist areas. In addition to cars, the force also employs motorcycles, helicopters, and boats. General duties and patrols are carried by Chevrolet, Toyota, Mazda, and Nissan vehicles. In 2013, the force saw the arrival of new eco-friendly vehicles, which are one seaters but can carry an additional passenger.

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9. Jumeirah Beach Residence Walk and Dubai Marina

        The Walk is one of Dubai's outdoor and tourist attractions, with activities such as street painting, recycled art displays, comedy shows, sand sculptures, photography displays, and booths selling fashion accessories and crafts. It is located next to Hilton Dubai Jumeirah Resort and Hilton Dubai The Walk, which opened their doors in October 2000, introducing Dubai's 'Golden Mile' in Jumeirah to the signature service and quintessential hospitality associated with the Hilton Worldwide Resort brand.

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        Built in the last few years, Dubai Marina crowds with spectacular twisting skyscrapers, while just next door is the effortless glamour of Jumeirah Beach Residence walk (or JBR walk -- if you want to sound like a local). Like a city within a city, this area owns some prime people-watching cafes, sociable bars and some of the best restaurant in Dubai. During the day, you will see plenty of joggers taking advantage of the marina views and behind the Address Hotel, you can take the Dubai ferry out to sea, which passes the Atlantis Hotel, its famous arch standing like a gateaway to the leaf-shaped island of Palm Jumeirah.

Dubai Marina (image source)

Dubai Metro

        The Dubai Metro is a driverless, fully automated metro rail network in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Red Line and Green Line are operational, with three further lines planned. These first two lines run underground in the city centre and on elevated viaducts elsewhere (elevated railway). All trains and stations are air conditioned with platform edge doors to make this possible. Architecture firm Aedas designed the metro's 45 stations, two depots and operational control centres. The Al Ghurair Investment group were the metro's builders.
          Dubai Marina has been connected through the Dubai's Metro's red line to the other places of Dubai. Dubai Marina is rapid transit station on the Red Line of the Dubai Metro in Dubai. It opened in 30 April 2010 as part of an extension to Ibn Battuta. Dubai Marina station is located near interchange 5 of Sheikh Zayed Road, around 20 kilometers (12 miles) southwest of Downtown Dubai. It lies to the east of the northern half of the Dubai Marina and to the west of the northern portion of Jumeirah Lake Towers.

10. Skydive Dubai

          Soar like a bird over one of the most amazing 'drop zones' in the world with Skydive Dubai, the leading diving company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Step out of a plane at an altitude of almost 4.000 meters and enjoy the rush of the wind. The whole experience is a full-scale immersion of the senses. With instructors who have collectively logged well over 220.000 jumps, you will be in good hands -- and harnesses -- as you jump above this iconic city. To make sure you remember the experience forever, Skydive Dubai also has a cameraman documents to snap the fun.
           The free lasts around a minute before your instructor pops the chute and you begin leisurely five-minute descent. This is the time to take in the incredible views as you swoop over the Palm Jumeirah towards the landing turf. If you want to skydive above the dunes, Skydive Dubai has a second 'drop zone' in the desert, with a campus that is located about 35 kilometers outside the city.

11. Dubai Cuisines

Dubai is the best place to sample all types of Gulf and Middle Eastern cuisine, including Iranian, Lebanese, and Arabian food. The most salient foods here are starters and salads. The other main foods here are Machboos or Kabsa, Esh asaraya, Hummus, Ghuzi, Tabbouleh, Mehalabiya, etc.

Machboos or Kabsa

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Kabsa is a family of mixed rice dishes that originates from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, where it is commonly regarded as a national dish. Though Kabsa is believed to be original to Yemen, it is often served in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Iraq, and Kuwait. The dish is also popularly known as Machboos in most Arab states of the Persian Gulf, but is served in the same way.

Esh Asarya

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Esh asarya known as the 'bread of the harem', it is a sort of cheese cake with cream topping. This dessert is originally from Qatar or well-known as Qatari sweet bread with cream. It has a marvelous taste and melting texture and has a special place in the popular desserts in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


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Hummus is a Levantine and Egyptian food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas or other beans, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and garlic. Today, it is popular throughout the Middle East (including Turkey), North Africa (including Morocco). and in Middle Eastern cuisine and around the globe.


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One of the most popular dishes to be served in restaurant Dubai, United Arab Emirates is Ghuzi, a food is the pride and joy the local Emirates. Ghuzi is originally from Qatar, but in Dubai there are so many restaurant served this dish. The ingredients of this food is a whole entire lamb is roasted and served on a numerous base of rice, vegetables, and flavorful nuts to form an extravagant dish. With all its elements, ghuzi is a complete meal in itself. If you wish to get a true taste of Dubai, you certainly do not want to miss out on ghuzi.


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Tabbouleh is a Middle Eastern vegetarian dish (sometimes considered as salad) its originally from Syria and Lebanon. This dish is traditionally made of tomatoes, finely chopped parsley, mint, bulgur, and onion, and seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. Some variations add garlic or lettuce, or use couscous instead of bulgur. Tabbouleh is traditionally served as part of a mezze in the Arab world. Variations of it are made by Turks and Armenians, and it has become popular ethnic food in Western cultures.


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Mehalabiya also known as Muhallabia, Mallabi', Muhallebi, Mahallebi or Mahallepi (in Turkish meaning custard) is a creamy pudding, similar to blancmange -- French sweet dessert --. In the cuisines of Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, and Turkey.
It is served in many versions, e.g. with chopped pistachios sprinkled on top (Lebanese style), date syrup topped with pistachios and walnuts (Israeli style), or with water in place of milk (Turkish: Su muhallebisi). Flavorings such as vanilla, orange water, and rose water may be added to the pudding.
In Israel, Malabi (Hebrew word for Mehalabiya) is made of almond milk instead of cow milk because of kashrut observation. It is called 'Malabi Shekedim'.

Lahm Bi Ajin

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Lahm Bi Ajin or also known as Arabian Pizza and Sfiha is a pizza-like dish originating from the Levant, specifically Baalbek, Lebanon, but it is also known in Turkey as pide. It was introduced in Brazil and Argentina by Levantine immigrants, where it is known as esfiha or esfirra.
In contrast to the modern use of lamb or beef, traditional sfiha are open-faced meat pies made with ground mutton. Historically, sfiha were much like dolma—simply ground lamb, lightly spiced, wrapped in brined grape leaves.
In Brazil, sfihas are street popular food because they're cheap and fast. Sfihas are oven baked, come in two shapes: folded into a triangular pastry like fatayer, and open-faced (4 inches round flat bread); with various toppings, including cheese, curd, lamb, beef or vegetables. The first Brazilian fast food restaurant chain to serve sfihas and other Middle East dishes was Habib's.


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Harees or harissa is a Middle Eastern dish of boiled, cracked, or coarsely-ground wheat, mixed with meat. Its consistency varies between a porridge and a dumpling. Harees is a popular dish known in the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, especially in the month of Ramadan.

So, guys that's the attractiveness of Dubai. I guess, if you want to know more about it you can visit Dubai as soon as possible. SO you can explore Dubai.