21 July 2018

How to Attract Clients? PART 1

Here are strategies to attract new customers and keep them

1. Fear. Small business owners run away from marketing because they don’t get it. They reason that they have no time with all the tactical daily actions they need to take everyday. They can’t pause long enough to actually understand it. 

The action to take: Stop on a monthly basis to plan your marketing strategy. Specifically, what actions is the company executing daily to attract new customers and keep the ones they have.

2. Not measuring marketing results. There is a perception that any money spent on marketing will yield poor results. In fact, the old saying is that the business owner knows that 50 percent of their marketing is working. They are just unsure of which 50 percent!

The action to take: Only invest in marketing that is traceable and trackable. Test initiatives and then measure the results. Stop doing what fails and scale up more of what succeeds. If nothing works, keep taking small actions until something is successful.

3. Too much dependence on referrals or word of mouth. Small business owners reason that if they offer a great product or service, new customers will automatically come or be referred to the company. This is very far from the truth.

The action to take: Instead, proactively get referrals by asking customers and encouraging them to share their experience on social media.

4. No storytelling. Most companies sell features and products. Unfortunately, prospects buy solutions to their problems and the best way to solve these are by telling a company story.

The action to take: Ask employees what the company’s story is. Craft a narrative that is both true and inspiring.

5. No systematic marketing. When things are slow, small business owners market their products. As soon as they land customers as a result, they get too busy doing the work to keep marketing. This keeps their business flat and makes the company almost invisible online. Remember, you can’t sell anything to anyone; you just need to be there when they are ready to buy.

The action to take: Monthly, assemble a systematic marketing plan which will be executed no matter how busy you get. This can include online paid marketing, email content marketing or social media.

source :

- https://smallbiztrends.com/2016/05/attract-new-customers.html ; diakses pada 21/7/2018 jam 16:05 WIB

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