07 May 2018
Komunikasi adalah salah satu keterampilan penting di tempat kerja, namun kesukesesan bukan hanya tergantung pada apa yang Anda katakan, namun bagaimana Anda mengatkannya.
1. Bersikaplah profesional.
Terlihat profesional adalah langkah pertama untuk bisa bersikap profesional, orang akan lebih serius menanggapi Anda jika penampilan Anda baik. Ini juga berlaku untuk sikap tubuh, jadi tataplah mata orang yang Anda ajak bicara dan juga jagalah postur tubuh Anda, jika tidak Anda akan terlihat kurang percaya diri.
2. Menjalin hubungan dengan lebih pribadi.
Ingatlah nama orang dan mereka akan mengingat Anda. Sebisa mungkin hindari memanggil seseorang dengan sebutan "Dear Sir/Madam". Ingatlah bahwa melakukan berbisnis adalah membangun hubungan.
3. Bersikaplah formal, tapi bukan kepada staf Anda.
Jika Anda bersikap terlalu formal, maka orang tidak akan bisa bersikap nyaman disekitar Anda. Bersikap terlalu santai juga akan membuat orang lain tidak menganggap Anda dengan serus. Yang terbaik adalah tepat berada di tengah.
4. Berbicaralah dengan jelas dan ringkas.
Langsunglah ke akar permasalahan dengan segera dan tidak usah berputar-putar dengan kata-kata, jangan menganggap bahwa orang yang Anda ajak bicara tahu Anda dan mengapa Anda menghubungi mereka - mereka mungkin perlu diingatkan latar belakang permasalahannya.
5. Membalas surat dengan cepat.
Beritahu bahwa Anda telah menerima email penting atau telepon, dan jika Anda pergi lebih lama dari sehari, beritahu mereka bahwa Anda akan berada di luar kantor.
6. Bersikap tenang.
Dalam pekerjaan apapun, situasi sulit akan muncul. Kehilangan temperamen tidak akan membantu Anda, bahkan akan memperumit keadaan. Tunjukkan bahwa Anda dapat mengatasi ketegangan, dan orang lain akan melihatnya dan membari Anda tanggung jawab yang lebih besar di masa yang akan datang,
7. Tetap diam dan dengarkan!
Komunikasi adalah dua arah. Dengarkan pendapat orang lain, jangan menyela saat orang lain bicara, dan jangan abaikan kritik. Kita semua pernah berbuat salah dan rekan kerja kita sering memiliki saran yang baik. Juga, orang akan lebih senang mendengarkan Anda jika mereka lihat Anda juga mendengarkan mereka!
sumber :
https://www.ef.co.id/englishfirst/english-learning/tipsbelajar/rahasia-komunikasi-bisnis.aspx ;diakses pada 7/5/2018; jam 11:51 WIB
Communicating Effectively for Business
Effective communication is a vital tool for any business owner. Your success at getting your point across can be the difference between sealing a deal and missing out on a potential opportunity.
You should be able to clearly explain company policies to customers and clients and answer their questions about your products or services. It is crucial to communicate effectively in negotiations to ensure you achieve your goals.
Communication is also important within the business. Effective communication can help to foster a good working relationship between you and your staff, which can in turn improve morale and efficiency.
This guide will explain the key aspects of both verbal and non-verbal communication, how to listen to and understand others, and how to make the best possible first impression on the people you encounter in and around your business.
Understanding communication
Success in any conversation is likely to be achieved through both parties listening to and understanding each other. Practice the following skills in any business situation where you communicate with others.
Key communication skills
Useful communication skills for building positive interpersonal relationships include:
- active listening
- understanding non-verbal signals
- maintaining eye contact
- assertiveness
- being mindful of people's individual space
- using positive body language
- dealing with different points of view.
Personal awareness skills that help with communication include:
- understanding the benefits of a positive attitude
- awareness of how others perceive you
- self-confidence
- presentation - dressing appropriately for different occasions.
It also helps to consider the circumstances surrounding your communications, such as the situational and cultural context.
source :
https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/marketing-sales/managing-relationships/communicating-effectively/understanding-communication ; diakses pada 7/5/2018; jam 11:21 WIB
source :
https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/marketing-sales/managing-relationships/communicating-effectively/understanding-communication ; diakses pada 7/5/2018; jam 11:21 WIB
First things first, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Dea Ayu Rosmaningtyas, I was born in Jakarta, January 6th 1997. I'm the eldest and I have a younger sister. There's nothing much to tell here anyways. Maybe I will share a bit story of my childhood. Sooooo... Lets get started it.
When I was little, perhaps 2 or 3 years old, I really like playing in my garage because in that time, I was still learning how to talk and walk, so I was kind of excited to did it. Oh! Right I forgot, I did not have many friends back then, because my nanny was following me around, so I was kind of introvert LOL. And when I went to preschool, umm... I have lots of friend and I was being brave to talk in front of people and also singing and.... yeah so many things that kids did when they were little. Everything was really great when I was kid tho. All I had to do was just play, play, and play. Then, my mom told me that I had a sister, because mom was pregnant (of course...). So, my sister was born in 2003 right when I was entering elementary school. I was really jealous with my sister (well, I guess every child feel it). Because my parents gave their fully attention to her and I got really a bit anyway. But that was just what I felt anyway.
Now in the 2nd phase of my life which is teenage year. I went to public middle school, then make friends. I did not have really much 'happy' things in middle school. Lets skip to my high school life. People said that you will have a wonderful life when you're in high school. Well said. The result is yup completely I did not have so-wonderful-but-still-wonderful life. In high school, that was the first time when I attracted with someone, you know teenager always do it anyway. So did I. Yeah, that was pretty cool feelings so far. Okay... lets skip until I graduated from high school. I wanted to work after graduate because my high school was designed for working after graduate but my father was insisted me to continue my study, although I did not get public university but I felt grateful. So now here I am, still studying in Gunadarma University on 6th semester.
That was story of life... Now lets talk about my favorites.
I like so many things since I was a kid, especially foods. Who can resist foods? Mom always makes so many delicious home-cooked. Her dishes always be my favorite. Besides food, I like other things. Now in my young-adult phase, I like buying make-up things, for instance lipstick, eyebrow, mascara, etc. I have collections of lipstick with same-shades. I do not know until mom said "you bought the same-shades lipstick again." instead of buying make-up, I still like foods FTW. I like so many genres of music, it depends on the singer anyway. I like pop, r&b, dance, and recently I like K-POP. okay now, lets talk about my favorite K-POP artists....
I love K-POP since I was in high school, because my friends loved it too. So that, I had someone to talk with. First boy-group that I loved was SUPER JUNIOR. Basically, because my friends liked them as well, so I followed them to like the boy-group
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http://kprofiles.com/super-junior-profile/ |
Now, I really like NCT. Basically, they are Super Junior's junior. The reason why I like them because they are very talented and also good looking hahaha. But mostly, I really like their musics anyway. I will give you a video of NCT's members. CHECK THIS OUT!
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https://twitter.com/nctsmtown/status/960890063826468866 |
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